IT GOES without SAYING THAT the PROFESSIONAL way in which the raid on LOUIS BOTHA
Was handled by the SAPS AND METRO AND PROV TRAFFIC AUTH shows just what a wonderful and remarkable group of people those LEOS IN SOUTH AFRICA ARE TODAY....
THERE WERE masses of POLICE CARS OUT THERE METRO, SAPS --- PROV TRAFFIC AND THEY handled everything with such aplomb that I can just see how well they have been
doing with regard to handling other crime incidents -- SAPS -- METRO YOU ARE THE BEST AS ARE PROV TRAFFIC.........
A fantastic and fascinating look at the creative and positive way the raids were handled on LOUIS BOTHA AVENUE TODAY...EVERYTHING ELSE ASIDE THE SAPS AND METRO AND PROV TRAFFIC WERE SPECTACULAR..AND WONDERFUL IN observing the big man in the blue all I can say is -- there were men and women there to -- and they were wonderful --
wondering how many arrests had been made and how many taxis impounded by these wonderful men and women...of the METRO -- SAPS AND PROV TRAFFIC...........................
THREE CHEERS FOR THE LEOS OF S.AFRICA..............................................................