You know when I see bad policing like the raid on my house and the criminals that it brought my families way the crooked criminal councillors the bastards like that limp dicked ho!! frequenter from the EXPRESS CASH EXCHANGE THEN I shudder in RAGE HOW DARE YOU CAPTAIN ALVES FROM NORWOOD SAPS ENDANGER MY CHILDRENS LIVES -- WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE doing -- how dare you now -- I might have to speak to JOHN POWERS -- OR ROGER EDWIN CARELESS FRIENDS ALSO WITH REGARD TO THIS where are FRED VAN ZYLS FRIENDS THEY need to come forward and check on this they know how and which shop JESSICA JOSEPHINE OZBOLT (CARELESS) DISAPPEARED FROM -- I can never let your connections to CAPTAIN ALVES AND THE SEX INDUSTRY AND THE RUSSIAN ULIANITSKI AND HIS CRIMINALS ENDANGER MY FAMILY AGAIN -- I MIGHT WANT TO speak to some of my other friends like MOSTERT AS WELL OR NIEMANDS NEW HUSBAND AS WELL AS others like the O'REILLEYS AS WELL...THIS has gone on for long enough -- my daughter that disappeared was wanted by the SAPS SHE WAS A GIRL NOT A SACK OF POTATOES TO BE SOLD TO THE MOB......


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