WHEN WE LIVED IN NORWOOD WE all had best friends mine was a guy other than DEREK AND IT WAS -- WILLY POLIS -- and thinking about him and the crowd from GAILS house makes me think of the party in which I wore some funny fancy dress thing -- walked into a fence post at PETERS HOUSE -- ON GRANT -- THEY HAD A HUGE BOAT IN THE GARDEN --- ENDED UP AT THE DOLLSHOUSE -- got a lift home in a POLICE CAR FROM SOMEONE OUT OF NORWOOD SAPS ---- ALL I WAS WEARING WAS A COSTUME --- SWIMMING A PAIR OF FISHNET STOCKINGS AND A NEGLIGEE -- THIS POLICEMAN WAS SO SHOCKED TO SEE ME STANDING THERE HALF DRESSED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT --- WEARING FISHNETS AND HIGH HEELED SHOES I MUST HAVE LOOKED LIKE A PROSSIE -- I HAD THIS MASSIVE BUMP ON MY HEAD -- HAD HAD WAY TO MUCH TO DRINK -- AND ONLY WOKE UP -- WELL THE REST IS HISTORY --- THINKING ABOUT IT NOW ---- I CAN BARELY --- REASON HOW I ENDED UP doing this ------------------------------------ I just remember him and the POLICE CAR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
THE after party I do not know -- It was one of my birthdays as well, if I can guess at it -- must have been all the DAMN DRAMBUIE AND COCA RICO.......................................................
THANKS OFFICER --- it was really good of you to take me home ----------------------------------------