Friendship 4
I also write whiney blogs -- but this one is for my family who I have stood by loved and supported throughout their lives as well as my mom -- when she was alive it is so sad
that her GRANDSONS LIFE HAS been ruined by the lies of a dog and a criminal out
there and in there as well -- this is one thing he should have known and that is that I
can never apologise for anything as I have always done everything for them and on
that note -- I bid you adieu -- IF I die today at the hand of my ex -- then I DO -- if not then I
GET TO MOVE ON and lead a life that I WANT INSTEAD WITHOUT THIS BUNCH OF LIARS AND FOOLS IN IT =-= THERE IS NOT A MEMBER OF MY family worth knowing about they are a criminal bunch of liars and defamers --------------------------------------------------------------------------
I write this knowing I am better than them......................................................SIMONE.........