Survival Tips - Can Modern Teenagers Be Taught Survival?


NOT MINE they could not survive anything - at any level - just bad thinking on their part -

because basically they could not even move what I owned from A-B - lie a lot - cannot

even begin to comprehend what life is about and they are out of their teens already - so

teaching teens about survival starts in childhood and this is the key - children need to

learn the street smarts from an early age to avoid the pitfalls of life later on and this is

defnite - while I can survive anything they cannot and they are out of their teens now,

and I see that they cannot do anything that they should be able to do -- and this is

one of the things that leads you into corners in life - you need to know how to survive

anything and anyone - crooked police officers and officials in your house as I had to -

being placed somewhere you do not want to be - having to deal with useless and difficult

family living both with and without money - living on a street full of drug dealers - carjackers

and criminals - and not allowing yourself to get caught up in the madness - all these things

need to be taught to children today - surviving the police and other things -- surviving the

streets - making do -- as opposed to having -- all things that life throws at you - becoming

ANDY WARHOL IS not easy - but it can be done -- and becoming an artist is a failsafe way

to make it a writer also -- so the thing is to survive there needs to be a failsafe mechanism in

you that never gives up - no matter what you face - look at me - I lost 40mil GBP OF MY

ARTWORK IN DECEMBER - due to my childrens lack of competence and the stupidity

of others - what I had in my house - 2mil worth of glass - but I never give up - never give in

always survive - the stupid crooked liar of a cop aside who was instrumental in harming me

to cover his own mistakes ---- SIMONE OZBOLT


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