BECAUSE THIS aunt of mine the fat nobody cost me 2 million rands worth of glass and 3 million rands of what I own as well as the other thing the 500 million of my artwork talking to the 50 000 artists that I know on other sites and they do not know how someone could be such a corrupt disgusting piece of trash like my aunts and uncles and destroy the amt of artwork that they kids are stupid dumb loonies and they are emulating the fat dumb dog aunt of mine the liar and collaborator with the corrupt dumb dogs from the JHB CITY COUNCIL - CORRUPT ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT - CORRUPT WATER DEPARTMENT - CORRUPT LIARS her friends with their dogs ass prostitute daughters the liars linked to the DOGS ASS WILSON CRIMINAL FAMILY OF DOGS ASSES - ALL MY aunts friends are liars like her - these people even lied to the PRIEST FROM THE CROATIAN CHURCH THEY ARE SUCH BIG LIARS AND SUCH DISGUSTING PEOPLE - liars who wanted me to have nothing so they set this thing up with the liar and bastard DOUKAKIS THE CRIMINAL - ERNST THE LIARS AND DOGS ASSES FROM LANDSEC SOUTH AFRICA - ALL LIARS ALL DOGS ALL CRIMINALS AND ALL corrupt dogs like the sector e department - the HEALTH DEPARTMENT CITY HEALTH IS ONE OF THE MOST CORRUPT DEPARTMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA - FOLLOWED BY HOSPITALS LIKE STERKFONTEIN AND ALSO THE TALISMAN - OTHER CITY AND STATE HOSPITALS WHO ARE ALL CORRUPT LIARS - they should have shut TARA DOWN - because of the abuses of patients that went on there over the years the MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT CORRUPT LIARS AND DOGSS ASSES - THE CITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL HEALTH SAME THING - SECTOR E SAME THING - LIARS LINKED TO corruption and the corrupt liars from the BUILDING INSPECTORS - SAME OF THE PET INSPECTORS - people linked to crime and corruption from TOWN AND THE JMP AS WELL AS THE AREA OF ALEX - clinic workers linked to crime and corruption - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT CRIME AND CORRUPTION......SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CRIME AND CORRUPTION...


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