THE LIARS linked to crime and corruption and lies and defaming me and criminality linked to the liars of OXFORD GARDENS - ILLOVO RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION....
THIS was a group of women all party to the lies told about me by LILY HELLET AND JOHNNY OZBOLT AND MY AUNT MICKEY GEORGI - LIKE THE CRIMINALS IN THE WILSON AND IN MICHEAL WILSONS FAMILY OF LIARS AND THIEVES WHO WERE PARTY TO THE LOSS OF WHAT I OWNED ON THE STREETS of HIGHLANDS NORTH - SO WERE THEY linked to the lies told by the liars and criminals of BALFOUR PARK AND HIGHLANDS NORTH AS WELL THAT LIED FALSIFIED EVERYTHING AND WERE BLATANTLY AND OPENLY CRIMINAL AND wanted me dead because they were just thick dumb dogs and liars like all the criminals linked to crime in the WILSON FAMILY WHO ARE LINKED TO THE LIAR CALLED LINDA FROM COSTA DEL SOL AND THE LIARS LINKED TO NATAL NEWSPAPERS AND WENDY AND HER criminality and lies as well they are all liars and thieves so there you go - all this to cover up a corrupt liar and drunken bum called JOHNNY OZBOLT - why lie and destroy my life because the liars from LIBERTY LIFE ARE THERE AS WELL AS THE LIARS FROM UVONGO AND THE liars linked to the dogs ass MARK AS WELL....