LONG phone call to someone and the issue is getting someone who has drug problems to disappear and not come in to a rehab of the state - when they are actual state patient - listening to the guy on the phone playing a lets pretend game - and talking about being a psych when he is not one - this is cute - very cute - GLAD THAT I WAS NEVER A STATE PATIENT AND APPLIED TO COURT TO APPROACH THEM AND charge the people who picked me up with falsification of evidence and lies and skulduggery - that is what my lawyer has dealt with - for me because of the liars linked to my ex and the lies he told to the police........looks like MARK to me from NORWOOD - DR MARK - never mind this is a joke about someone who used to live in LYONS CORNER....
GOOD CON THIS ONE...listening to the guy telling the person that he is booking the women into a private drug clinic - instead of the state farm -- such a joke -
NOW THEY HAVE LEFT....the crooked psych that is not doctor on the phone in the internet cafe....getting someone off on a charge of drugs when they are legally meant to go into therapy.....
GOOD CON THIS ONE...listening to the guy telling the person that he is booking the women into a private drug clinic - instead of the state farm -- such a joke -
NOW THEY HAVE LEFT....the crooked psych that is not doctor on the phone in the internet cafe....getting someone off on a charge of drugs when they are legally meant to go into therapy.....