ITALIAN CRIMINALS linked to crooked corrupt security guards and the building my aunt lives in a lot of liars - linked to the lies told...
MAY THEY - this lot of fools and thugs rot in hell - because they deserve just everything bad to happen to them as they are liars and thieves linked to the defamers linked to the liars who are and were linked to the liar ERNA......and they cost me what I OWN - because they are trashy rubbish liars and no good....they almost cost me my life as well - so how many of the liars were linked to my aunts friends the liars and thugs and the lies told about me apart from the THRUPPS CORRUPT LIARS linked to the crooked ho's assed attorneys all a bunch of liars criminals and thieves all of them who cost me what I OWN - MAY THEM AND ALL their families of liars like mine rot in hell = or die - either or.....THIS INCLUDES THE CRIMINALS LINKED TO THGE SECURITY INDUSTRY THAT ARE linked to them and their lies as well......crooked ho's asses from the streets of ILLOVO...